Monday, February 1, 2010

Traveling with many small children

MckMama is the expert! Check out her itinerary this winter:

Saturday, January 16 - Saturday, January 23: "MckCruise"
Saturday, February 6 - Wednesday, February 10: Blissdom Conference
Thursday, February 25 - Colorado Springs get-together
Thursday, March 4 - Wednesday, March 10 - Compassion BLOGGERS (this is a business, not mission, trip)

Any parent would bow down to a parent taking their four five children five and under on just one of these trips. But MckMama, being the crunchy, homeschooling, attachment parent that she is, will be taking all four five of her many small children on all of these trips.

Because surely a mommy blogger who has four five small children wouldn't leave her children home without their mother for a minimum of (non-travel related) 22 of the next 56 days....