Thursday, February 18, 2010


MckMama mentioned in her newest stream of consciousness post that she and "MckDaddy" are leaving in a week and a half for Kenya for a trip with Compassion International. Since this is a topic in the comments on other posts and she brought it up, I figured I would start a new thread.

Please note that this is not a mission trip, but an all expenses paid business trip. You can read more about "Compassion Bloggers" here. Bloggers will "begin an adventure in Kenya that will take them to the Maasai tribe, through the largest slum in the world and into the homes and hearts of Compassion children. Come here daily to make this journey with them through their words, pictures and videos."

What I don't understand is why "MckDaddy" is going on this trip. Will the children of Kenya benefit from him tagging along with his wife while she takes pictures and writes blog posts about their homes and hearts, or would his time be better spent taking care of his own home and the hearts of the children he fathered?

What exactly will he be adding to this trip? And what could the money it will take to get him to and from Africa, pay for his room and board, as well as all his meals for a week be used on instead for these children of Kenya?