Monday, January 31, 2011

Many (but not all!)

I may have enjoyed the latest post a bit too much.

In case you missed it, MckMama says she is not what her dissenters claim she is. I want to share this here, too:
"See, I am not what some of my dissenters claim me to be. I don’t lie about my children’s haircuts or lead you all into internet scams involving shady charities. I am not the devil incarnate, nor do I sit around plotting how to be deceitful on my blog. I don’t fake to have great adventures with my children just so I can blog about them and I didn’t add food coloring to my rainbow pancakes. I don’t stage messes created by my children or fake medical conditions. The insinuations that I do are baseless and laughable."
She also says:
"But the fact that many (But not all!) of my critics’ accusations against me are totally false does not release me from having a responsible role in it all. Yet, I have sometimes acted as if it did. When I am accused of things I did not do, called names I don’t deserve, or questioned relentlessly, I still must do the right thing."
It is so nice of her to give us examples of where we are wrong. We need to do the right thing by cleaning up MWOP and deleting the untruths. Let's break it down, shall we?
  • I don’t lie about my children’s haircuts (Okay, cross that blog post ou...wait, I don't see a reference to that? )
  • or lead you all into internet scams involving shady charities. (Oh man, that was an important blog post back know, in.....crap, nothing here either. All I can find are responses from other reputable charities.)
  • I am not the devil incarnate, nor do I sit around plotting how to be deceitful on my blog. (I have got to stop with the 'devil incarnate' yammering. It's like it's a choice phrase around here. Hold the iPhones, search can't seem to find the phrase anywhere.)
  • I don’t fake to have great adventures with my children just so I can blog about them (Dang, she's cherry picking all the best posts and shredding all validity there is in them!)
  • I didn’t add food coloring to my rainbow pancakes. (Seriously, folks, we must remove the pancake rebuttal post STAT. This one really seems to bug her.)
  • I don’t stage messes created by my children (How could I have ever made such an egregious claim? Does MWOP have no decency??)
  • or fake medical conditions. (Writing posts about her faking medical conditions is wrong, and I feel humbled and apologetic for my actions...well, I would, but damn, I didn't write that either.)
There you have it MWOPers. MWOP has been put in its place. The lies here are much like the insinuations. Baseless and laughable.